
Where to begin?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I can't believe we're already half way through the semester. It seems like just yesterday I packed my bags and headed to the airport, sadly hugging my friends and family goodbye. I remember boarding the plane with both hesitation and excitement. I was sad about leaving everyone behind, I knew I'd miss them, but at the same time I was thrilled about the new life I'd be starting here at CMC. After a day filled with layovers, waiting in airports, overpriced fast food and a four hour bus ride from Denver International Airport to Steamboat Springs, I was ready to start a new phase of my life. These past few months have been filled with so much fun! Here’s what I’ve been up to...

The Yampa River

Hiking: What started out as an innocent trip into town turned into an epic adventure. I had every intention of picking up job applications when I ran into some kids that I recognized from campus at the bus stop. They had no real purpose, just checking out the town, and figuring the application process could wait a few hours, I joined them. Soon I found myself gasping for a breath of air as we hiked up Howelson Hill. My body had not yet adjusted to the altitude, and my eyes couldn't believe the incredible views. Everything seemed to be out of a post card or magazine. You know those shows you watch on Travel Channel about the world’s most beautiful destinations? I was there. I stood back, took in the view and smiled; for the next two years, this was my home.

CMC, Alpine Campus

Camping: It was a typical night on campus; I had gotten out of class and headed up to the dorms for an RHA meeting. On the way up I ran into a couple of my friends and they invited me to go camping. Since I had backed out a couple times in the past I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to show them that I could rough it for a night. After I got out of the meeting we loaded up Kyle's SUV and headed for the mountains. It took us about a half an hour to reach a dirt road that eventually lead to some pretty secluded camping spots. Growing up my family went "camping" quite often. We usually rented a placed that had sites staked out, premade fire pits and neighbors only ten feet away. Oh, and did I mention we had a camper? Needless to say this spur of a moment decision turned out to be quite an experience for this rural suburban girl. We got a fire going, set up our tents and broke out the guitar. I think the thing I was most afraid of was wild animals. After all, we were out in the middle of nowhere, who knows what could have happened? Although I was woken up at one point by an animal scratching at the tent, we made it through the night safe and sound.

Paddling: After doing a river clean up for a few hours on a Friday afternoon, my friend Jake and I met up with other members of paddling club and decided to plan a trip. We chose to raft the Shoshone Rapids in the Colorado River the following day. It was my first time white water rafting and I was beyond stoked. Like a child too excited to fall asleep knowing that Christmas is just around the corner, I got very little rest that night. We left around 7am the next morning. After a three hour drive to Glenwood, we blew up the raft, geared up, and took our first run. It was so exhilarating we decided to take four more after that. We were tossed around the river with water splashing in our faces, and smiles from ear to ear. It turned out to be everything I expected, and I made some new friends along the way. Best of all, it was sponsored by the school so it was completely free.


Courtney said...

How exciting! The pictures and descriptions of your journeys are sure to keep me on the edge of my seat. I look forward to more "Steamboat Bobbie" (LOL) stories.

Anonymous said...

Nice Bobbie, If I'd never been here before, this would be my first choice college pick just because of your blog:)

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