I knew there had to be more out there, a job I'd really enjoy. I mean how many times have you heard the saying "Do what you love and never work a day in your life". I heard it all the time growing up, and after a year off of school I decided to live out my dreams. I sat down and thought about what made me happiest in life; snowboarding. Then I searched for schools that had snowboarding as part of their curriculum. It was the thing that made me happiest, so I wanted to find a job where I could make it part of my every day life. After a lot of research I decided Colorado Mountain College would be my number one choice. After all, it is the only school in the country that offers a degree in Ski and Snowboard Business. When I first presented the idea to my family they were kind of shocked. There was the money aspect-- "how will you afford it?", and the whole distance thing--"You'll never be home for holidays". Plus there was the fact that it's such a specified program, but after seeing how passionate I was about doing this they came around an
Since I've been here I've learned how to properly fit people for ski and snowboard boots, how to tune and wax a board, I've learned the basics in selling, shop management, and how to design and market a snowboard.
One of the classes I am taking this semester is Work Experience. Basically, you take the skills you've learned in the classroom and have to use them in real life. You can get any internship that is ski and snowboard related. To help knock off some of my hours I decided to go to the SIA (Snowsport Industries America) Show in Las Vegas. I interned for Grenade, and it was one of the best weeks of my life. After all, how bad can your job be when "The Man" you are working for is Danny Kass?
It was a long drive there, but temperature rose the closer we got to sin city. I love the snow but I have to admit, the warm weather was a nice break from the Colorado winter. We arrived a day early so I went out and explored the strip, visiting everything from the M&M Factory to the ESPN Sports Zone. I met up with some friends from school as they arrived and we spent the rest of the evening exploring the city. I went to bed rather early because I knew it was going to be an early morning and had no idea what I'd be doing for Grenade.
The first day of work was incredibly hectic. We got there in the morning and our booth was bare. There was a little office room and a ton of boxes, everything was a mess. As inter
The rest of the week I was responsible for helping the Reps out with product demonstrations. Part of this included making sure the buyers were as comfortable as possible by seating them, getting them something to drink, and giving them a buyer's guide. Once the demonstrations started I would hand the reps the gear they needed to present and take it back when they were done showing off it's features. I also helped out with appointment check-ins and anything else the reps needed throughout the week.
When I got some free time I walked around the show to check out the new line for 2009. It was awesome talking to people who truly spend every day doing what they love. When they aren't out riding the
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