Don't get me wrong, I love living in Steamboat. Whenever someone from out of town asks how I like going to school here I smile and reply "It's awesome, it's like living on a permanent vacation". But sometimes you just need to get away for a little bit. My room mate and I reached that point, we weren't sick of anything in particular, our friends are great, the town is still beautiful and friendly, but we needed a break from our every day routines. So we packed our backpacks, hopped in Heather's car and headed for her home town- Grand Junction. I'd been there once earlier this year for a conference, but we hardly had time to explore the town. This time I got to see the place VIP style, and it was a blast. After driving for about three hours we reached Grand Junction and Heather decided to show me some places around town. We saw the house she used to live in, the river where everyone floats during the summer and *gasp* a mall. I have to admit I almost forgot those things existed. Then we went to her house where her mom made us pizza and we just relaxed. Followed by that was my favorite part of the trip- White Rocks. She said we'd be doing some climbing so I threw on some sneakers and a light hoodie in case it got cold when the sun went down. The place was gorgeous. We started climbing and at first it was nothing too difficult, it was very similar to bouldering. The rocks were close enough to the ground that I felt falling would mean little injury. Then Heather decided to climb up a huge rock and jump over to another one. I was immediately reminded of my fear of heights and decided to find an alternate route up. Once I got up there I saw why she was so insistent upon it. The views were amazing. After hanging out there for a while we headed back and I eventually passed out. The next day her mom made us a delicious homemade lunch and we headed back to Steamboat.
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