I woke up around 8:30am from the sun shining brightly in my face. Realizing that it was early and I had nothing to do for the day I shut my blinds and rolled over. Less than an hour later I received a phone call from my friend Ryan, who works as a rafting guide. It only took six simple words, "Want to go raft the Yampa?" and I jumped out of bed.
my first time out this summer
The Yampa is probably one of the most mellow rivers to raft, but I loved being out on the water and couldn't wait to go outside and play. As it turned out, Ryan had invited all of the other CAs along, and a couple of his friends from Denver that were in town. We all met up at the shop, geared up and headed out. When we first got into the river the sun was shining and there were no rapids in sight, so we took off our life jakets hoping to catch some rays. Once we got close to town Ryan asked us to put our jackets on because th raft was branded with the company name, and were about to approach C-hole. C-hole is a man made wave in the river for kayaking competitions. Early in the summer it can be pretty intense. Our first time through I decided to "ride the bull", or sit on the very front f the raft. I was really nervous about falling off, but managed to hold on while the giant wave completley submerged me.
resting in the Hippie Hot Springs

Then we decided to paddle back and try to surf the wave. We'd been warned that we'd probably get dumped out so I prepared myself. As we entered the wave everything happened so fast. First one of Ryan's friends from Denver fell off the raft, and in Ryan's attempt to save him he was tossed off. I was standing in the back as I watched the front of the raft fold in half. I felt like I was on the Titanic as I watched my friends being hopelessly flung into the water. I braced myself, awaiting my inevitable doom. And then, as quickly as it started, it was over. The raft had made it over the wave and I found my balance. I stood there in shock for a few seconds then began pulling people back into the raft. Once everyone was in safely we all started laughing.
Mia and I taking a ducky out
Up next was the D-hole. It was smaller and much less intimidating than C-hole. After being the only survivor of our last escapade I was overly confident that I'd be just fine. Perhaps that's why I was caught so off guard when I was flung from the raft the instant we tried to surf it. I gasped for one last breath as the current pulled me under and spun me around like a rag doll. I lost all sense of direction and had no idea which way was up. All I could do was wait for the undertow to spit me out, hoping my life preserver to bring me to the surface. I soon felt my body floating to the top and broke the surface, gasping desperately for a breath of air. Yet it didn't come. My body was completely exposed to the ice cold snow melt and went into shock. My lungs were restricted and trying to breath felt like breathing through a straw after a 100 yard sprint. I panicke

d and immediately went into survival mode, swimming towards shore. The current was strong but I knew I was stronger. I kicked and kicked, not knowing how much longer I'd last. Then I heard Ryan's voice "NO! SWIM TOWARDS ME! WE'LL GET YOU OUT, SWIM TOWARDS THE RAFT." I turned slightly and saw the raft, it was further away than shore and I just wanted to get out of the water. I tried to take a deep breath and yell "I can't breathe". It took all my energy, and I hardly whispered it. I kept trying and was finally able to get the words out. Then Ryan's voice started to calm me "It's okay, we'll get you out, just swim over here." The current took me towards the raft, and my friends pulled my numb body out of the water. I shivered and took in a few deep breaths, thinking about what had just happened.
Once I was safe I realized I had been on one of the most intense rides of my life. The adrenaline rush was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It was completely addicting, and I smiled happily, knowing the River was my new heroine.