

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer is almost here and it's finally starting to feel that way! It's rained every single day since I came back almost three weeks ago, but it's currently 7pm and the skies are still blue. I decided to spend a summer out here to experience life in Colorado when the snow isn't falling.

Of course Steamboat is a really expensive town to live in, so I decided to go the easier route and live for free... for a few months at least. Living in the dorms is one of the many perks of being a Summer Conference Assistant at Colorado Mountain College. There are five of us and we are here to take care of all the summer groups that come and use our facilities. So far we've been responsible for everything from putting linens on beds for guests to making bulletin boards. We check guests in and out, and ensure a safe living environment. It's a really fun job with lots of perks; we get to live here for free, there's plenty of delicious food, and we get to meet a lot of great people. We also got to help out with S.O.A.R, the summer orientation for kids coming out in the fall, and it's exciting getting to know them.

Other than work, my priorities have been online classes and house hunting. I've decided to take two online classes this summer- College Algebra and English Comp 1. Although at times I find myself wondering why I decided to spend my summer with more academics than necessary, it's really not so bad. Even though I have deadlines to meet I never have to worry about getting up early for class or missing an important lecture.

House Hunting has been quite the learning experience. Mia (my future roommate) and I decided to get an early start so we could have as many options as possible. After calling at least 30 people we checked out a bunch of places, and it's amazing the kind of stuff we saw. Everything from a beat down house that was practically underground to a log cabin that seemed like it would hardly maintain heat in the winter. We also saw some beautiful homes, and picked one out that is absolutely perfect. It's a two bed, two bath town home that's fully furnished. Although it's on the higher end of our price range I really like the feel of it and think we'll be comfortable living there. Living in the dorms was fun,but I miss being able to cook whenever I want and can't wait to do my own thing.


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