As my summer job as a Conference Assistant came to an end I began a new job at the Steaming Bean Coffee Shop. Working two jobs and trying to finish summer classes made the last couple of weeks very hectic, and I'm relieved to be done with both Summer Classes and Conference Assisting. However it now seems as though summer is coming to a screeching halt as classes start up again this Monday.

In a last ditch effort to enjoy these final days before a full class load and work begins, my friends and I went to King Salomon's Waterfall. I had seen pictures from previous trips that my friends had taken but never went there myself. I was completely unsure of what to expect. My friend Tello described the area as "A little hidden treasure of Colorado".
He was right. After driving down seemingly unused dirt roads then hiking up a narrow path for quite some time, we found our way to King Salomon's Creek. From there went bouldering for about another half mil

e where the creek opened up into a beautiful little canyon. Before I could even figure out how to cross the creek, my adventure seeking friends were already jumping off the thirty foot cliff into a pool of ice cold water below.
My fear of heights and falling made me quite hesitant at first, but with my friends at my side I eventually jumped. Of course I screamed bloody murder the who

le way down but I was able to put my fears aside and enjoy the rush of free falling through the air.
After most of the crew jumped a few kids decided to go further up the creek to try and find the second waterfall. Since I was the only one who decided to wear flip flops rather than sneakers I chose to stay back and enjoy the sun. A few of the others stayed with me and we explored our surroundings. Although we didn't come across any unusual wild life we did find

an awfully cute chipmunk that kept running away and coming back as if he were playing a game with us.
Overall I wouldn't describe the day as relaxing, but it was a fun adventure!
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