
Short on money, but long on time

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I don't think anyone could describe my current living situation better than Paolo Nutini in his song New Shoes. As a college kid, I now understand what it means to be broke. After paying off reservations for a condo in Winter Park I looked at my bank account and realized I had $25 to my name. Eventhough I have two part time jobs, I also have a terrible habbit of swiping the little plastic Capital One card in my wallet. So, I've decided to try and cut back on spending, which is suprisingly easy here at CMC.

So what happens when you give a bunch of college kids helmets, knee pads, sticks with plastic attached at the end and some ice time? They call it broom ball, but I'd say it's more like comedy hour. The sport started in Canada in the early 1900s and was brought to the US somewhere in the 60s. The rules to the game are pretty simple, no fighting, the goalie is the only one who can pick a ball up and he can't throw it past half ice. But other then the stacked team of hockey players, most of us have no idea how to handel the ball. We spend most of our time falling, even when we are trying to stand still. Our team currently holds a 0-2 record, although I think we are improving alot. It's a fun time nonetheless, a good way to relieve stress on Tuesday nights.

The Library
I love reading in my free time, but books can be pretty costly. I don't know why I've been so hell-bent on buying them my whole life. Other then the choose your own ending series, I don't think I've ever read a book twice. It's only lead to a collection of books that I'll never read again. From now on I'm going to check the library before I rush off to the bookstore. I'm currently working on Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult and would reccomend it to anyone looking for a good read.

Did I mention there's a bowling league here at CMC? Every Thursday at 9pm students head to Snow Bowl to show off their skills. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the sport but I've been roped into subbing for friends several times now. It's fun to hang out for a couple hours and its completely paid for by the school.

Those are just a few of the many things do to at CMC that are both affordable and fun. I'm sure I'll be coming up with many more in the next few days as it is now Thanksgiving break and the campus is barren.


Courtney said...

Sounds like a great time at a great college. I wish i was there to play broom ball. And I thought Curling was fun! Happy Thanksgiving!

Bobbie Jo said...

You'd love it! Hah I'd definately suggest it as a family event, it's hilarious.

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