Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen- Jacob Jankowski is about to become a certified veterinarian when his parents die suddenly, leaving him with nothing. Unsure of what to do with himself he runs away and winds up joining the circus. This book gives you an inside look at life during the depression, and the struggles of a man who falls in love with a woman he can't have... or can he? I found myself getting completely lost in this book, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a change of pace, as it is like nothing I've read in the past.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer- I was convinced I'd never read these books because a teenage drama series about vampires hardly interested me. Yet I found myself trapped in an airport with nothing to do, so I picked up the only familiar title on the shelf. I have to admit the first book was a pretty good read, but beyond that I was completely disappointed. I was never excited about reading New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn, yet I forced myself through them anyways. In my opinion the characters were completely underdeveloped. I think they all came off as whiny and miserable and couldn't stand reading about them. If a four book saga about a girl who falls in love with an immortal doesn't really interest you, you can easily save yourself some time. Simply ignore all the hype and watch the movies instead.

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls- Imagine growing up with completely nonconformist parents; a father who is always on the run and a crazy mother that is more concerned about what she wants than providing for her children. Jeannette Walls describes her life of struggles and misfortune in such fine detail you feel as though you are right there with her. My favorite part about her writing is that she never once complains, she simply tells it as it was, allowing you to make your own judgments. If you are going to pick up one book this summer The Glass Castle should be it.

Shoot the Women First by Eileen MacDonald- In a world full of terrorism it is often hard to understand why such horrible acts are committed. It's even more difficult to understand why women, who create life and are often portrayed as nurturers could commit such crimes. MacDonald dives into the heart of it, interviewing women who have been convicted of committing the most heinous of crimes. She remains rather unbiased by presenting you with the facts and allowing you to conclude your own opinions. Although at times difficult to read I enjoyed learning about different cultural motivations for terrorism.
These are just a few suggestions, if you have any must-reads I'd love to know about them!
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