

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I apologize for the lack of blogs lately, but finals have been keeping me very, very busy. This week has been all about finding ethical solutions to the Terri Schavio case, figuring out the motives behind the Taliban, understanding the stages of grief and exploring the outer most planets of our solar system. This week it feels like I'm out to solve the world's problems. Next week I'll be just another ski bum livin' la vida loca in Steamboat. Gota love college. Every time I look at the calendar a bit of panic strikes as I realize Christmas is creeping up on me at an incredibly fast pace. I have yet to buy any presents... or decorations for that matter. Suddenly the Dew Tour is next week and my cruise that seemed so far away will be here in the blink of an eye. This is just an update to let everyone know I'm alive! I promise to bring something more exciting to the table once finals are over. Until then, good luck everyone!


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